The age of the landline phone is slowly coming to an end in the US
When everyone has a phone in their pocket, there quickly becomes little use for a home phone that sits stationary in one room of your house, costing you additional money in the form of a monthly landline bill.
Sure, some may prefer the larger form factor or increased call quality of a landline, or perhaps you know someone who keeps a home phone because their wireless bundle includes it. But a majority of households in the United States are now “cell phone only,” according to data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, compiled into a chart below courtesy of Statista.
While more than 90% of US households said they owned a landline in 2004, that number has since plummeted to less than 46%, with “cell phone only” households crossing 50% threshold for the first time.
Mike Nudelman/Business Insider/Statista
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